Saturday, February 21, 2015

week 1 - i know places

Hello everyone!

So, I've been doing this project for a week, and I think I've been making some good progress. My goals are to practice for at least a half hour every day. I know this doesn't seem like a lot, but it's more than I've done in the past (I'm not exactly the most diligent person), so I've been giving it a try. I've been kinda successful so far. Once I get really into it, I usually play for a while; it's the picking-up-the-guitar part that's hard.

My goal for this week was to learn I Know Places by Taylor Swift on the guitar. Using these chords on, I was able to pretty much figure it all out. Because barre chords are really hard for me, and I prefer to avoid them at all costs, I modified the F chord to an easier voicing (my old guitar teacher showed it to me, and while it doesn't sound quite as good, it still works). There are many different versions of chords you can use, but I decided on the ones I used because I know how to form all of them and I think it sounds pretty accurate to the song.

Something that Ultimate Guitar doesn't provide is a strumming pattern, so I had to pretty much just figure one out and go with what I thought sounded right, especially because I Know Places doesn't even have any guitar in it. I decided on a palm muting technique for the verses, since those are more subdued and wouldn't sound good with loud, full strumming. Palm muting is basically where, when you're strumming, you rest the side of your hand lightly on the strings. It mutes the sound a little bit without getting rid of it completely, and I think it sounds nice with the verses. For the chorus, I decided to go with a D DDU (down down down up) strumming pattern. It's one of the simplest strumming patterns there is, but I think that a more complicated rhythm wouldn't fit the song. The one I decided on works really well with the lyrics and tempo, and sometimes less is more.

Something I've noticed is that I pick up quickly on learning new songs. It was rough at first, because I had to figure out the chords and find how to string them together so it sounded like the actual song, but once I got the hang of it, I learned the song in no time. I thought that maybe I should learn more than one song a week, because I can learn a song in two days, sometimes less. But then I realized that I have to memorize too, and that takes a little bit longer. Also, if I have a particularly hard song, I may need the full week. So, I decided that I'm going to be sticking to my schedule, but if I get bored with a song, I'm going to probably try to learn another song that may not necessarily be Taylor Swift and play around with that.

In my last blog post, I said that I was thinking about getting guitar lessons, and I did! I'm trying them out with a new teacher this Thursday, so I'll probably be posting about that. I hope that this teacher lets me pick what songs I want to learn, because my last teacher always let me pick the song and I preferred that method of teaching. I'm mainly going to be doing the guitar lessons so I can improve on my technique and things like that, so hopefully they prove to be valuable.

Anyway, you can listen to this audio of me playing I Know Places if you so desire. I only did the first verse and chorus because it gets repetitive without lyrics. Also, please ignore all the mistakes I made. I would sing along, but whenever I hear my singing voice recorded I want to die, so I'm gonna stay away from that and not subject you to it.

Maybe I'll eventually post videos or sing along or something but I have to start slow. I'm really uncomfortable performing for people or even just posting a video of me performing, so yeah. We'll see. Also, ignore the fact that the background of the audio is a really old picture of Taylor Swift; I'm using my SoundCloud account from 7th grade.


Thursday, February 12, 2015

getting started

Hello! I'm Hannah, and on this blog, I will be documenting the seven-week process in which I improve my guitar skills for the genius hour project. So get on board and buckle up, cause my ride's gonna be a big one. And if you get motion sickness, you know, put your head between your knees, 'cause Hannah's stopping for no one. (Yes, I did just quote Parks and Recreation).

I decided to work on playing the guitar for my genius project. This decision was not hard for me to arrive at, because I really enjoy playing my guitar. About a year and a half ago, I got a guitar for my birthday, and started lessons. I took them on and off, but ever since this school year started, I've hardly picked up my guitar. Since it's something I enjoy, I figured that the genius project would be a great way to get me back into practicing. There are also many songs that I would love to learn how to play, and with this project, I will be motivated to learn as much as I can.

Over the next seven weeks, I am planning on teaching myself six different Taylor Swift songs that I can then put into a medley for the final product. Every week, I will learn and perfect a new song so that I will know all six songs by the time my final product is due. The songs I am planning on playing are I Know Places, Wonderland, Shake It Off, Never Grow Up, Stay Stay Stay, and Treacherous, all by Taylor Swift. I am going to use either or my Taylor Swift songbooks (depending on which is better for a given song) to get the chords for each song. I may also use YouTube tutorials if they are available for the song I want to learn. I've used all of these resources before for learning songs, and they have all been extremely helpful. I may also start my guitar lessons again once a week, but I'm not sure yet.

My overall goals for this project are to learn six Taylor Swift songs and then compile them all into a medley of sorts. Through this process, I also hope to learn new chords and make my transitions between chords smoother. In the past, this is something that has been difficult for me, so I hope this project will allow me to improve in that aspect. Another thing that I have struggled with in the past is the sound quality of my chords. It is hard for me to push down hard enough on the strings to make it sound perfect, so I plan on improving this. I already know a decent amount of chords, but the hardest for me are barre chords (well, they're the hardest for everyone) where one finger has to push down on multiple strings. I expect that I will be learning a lot of songs with barre chords throughout my life, so I hope I can get them to sound the way they should.

This week, I am going to start learning I Know Places, so maybe in my next blog post I'll talk about that and maybe even include a video (???). I'm kinda scared to post videos of me playing, but I guess stage fright is something I'm going to have to get over for this project.

Comments This Week:
Sarah Wolbach
Jason Smith
Laura Roth