Thursday, March 26, 2015

week 5 - ted talk reflection

Well, it seems that the Genius Hour project has come to an end. I have to say, it's been a wild ride. I wasn't sure I was going to be able to play guitar in front of everyone without messing up or passing out, but I did. I'm actually really proud of myself, because I wasn't sure that I would be able to get up there, but I actually did a pretty good job with the performance. I mean yeah, I did mess up once but I don't think anyone really noticed?? Or maybe they did, I don't know. My whole TED Talk is kind of a blur. It went by so fast, and I was so nervous.

I know I could have done better, but honestly, I think I did pretty well. As I said in my talk, I pushed myself so far out of my comfort zone, I can't help but be proud of myself for doing it and conquering my fears and all that. I worked really hard on my presentation and practiced a lot over the weekend, so I think that paid off. I'm also so glad I presented on Monday. That way, I got it over with and didn't have to worry for the rest of the week (except for the Les Mis CD project...). My TED Talk helped me to see that going out of your comfort zone is really worth it. I preached that all throughout my talk, yet I still wasn't sure if I could pull off the performance part. Once I did that, and people congratulated me and told me I did well, I knew it was worth it.

And I felt really good about myself. There is nothing better than the feeling of relief after presenting and knowing that you did a pretty good job. The build-up before the presentation was probably worse than the actual presentation for me. I had never played my guitar in front of such a large audience before, but now that I've done it, I see that it's not that bad. At the place I take lessons at, they have performance things sometimes, and I always opted out of those because I had never done anything like that before. Now that I have, maybe I could perform. You never know.

Anyway, I think my TED Talk went well overall. It wasn't perfect, and it wasn't memorized, but I hopefully didn't look at my notecards too much. My playing of The A Team was probably the biggest plot twist of all time (if you've been keeping up with my blog, you know I'd been learning mostly Taylor Swift songs), so that was hopefully interesting. I don't know. I hope people liked it.

Well, this is my last blog post, so bye!! It's been real. I'm gonna go watch The Office now. Thank you so much if you read this blog or commented or anything; that was super cool of you to do.

- Hannah :~)




  1. Hi Hannah! Your Ted Talk was seriously so so so good, I really enjoyed it a lot. I really admire you for being able to play the guitar in front of everyone, I don't think I'd be able to do something like that, and you did a really great job playing. It's really interesting to see how far you've come since week one, and I can't wait to see you continue to go even farther.

  2. I didn't see your ted talk but being your friend, I know a lot about you. I know things like this can be difficult (I mean literally same), but I knew you could pull it out in the end. I really hope I get to hear you play sometime. I wish I tapped in front of everyone but I was to snervous (omg did I really just type that :0) Hannah I'm so proud of you!! Good job!
